Sunday, April 14, 2013

3D Idetification (Shapes)

During My field experience my class of ESOL 1st Graders did worksheets on 3D shapes. I wanted to share this lesson because it was really informative. The lesson was based on the identification of shapes through:


Terms and Vocabulary
Sphere- a perfectly round geometrical object in 3-dimensional space.
Face- flat surface of a solid object.
Cube- a cube is a box-shaped solid object that has six identical square faces.
Cylinder- a solid object with: * two identical flat ends that are circular or elliptical * and one curved side.
Cone- a solid 3-dimensional object that has a circular base and one vertex
Rectangular Prism- a solid 3-dimensional object which has six faces that are rectangles.
Vertex- a point where two or more straight lines meet. Corner.
Vertices- plural of "Vertex."

Pinned Image

We did an assignment simular to this where we had to find out what ther shapes can be used to cread a picture or shape.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lesson 3: Properties of Numbers

There are four basic properties of numbers: commutative, associative, distributive, and identity. You should be familiar with each of these. It is especially important to understand these properties once you reach advanced math such as algebra and calculus.
Number Properties, Symbols

Commutative Property

a. Addition. When two numbers are added, the sum is the same regardless of the order in which the numbers are added.
3 + 5 = 8 or 5 + 3 = 8
b. Multiplication. When two numbers are multiplied together, the product is the same regardless of the order in which the numbers are multiplied.
3 x 5 = 15 or 5 x 3 = 15

Associative Property

a. Addition. When three or more numbers are added, the sum is the same regardless of the way in which the numbers are grouped.
6 + (4 + 3) = 13 or (6 + 4) + 3 = 13
b. Multiplication. When three or more numbers are multiplied, the product is the same regardless of the way in which the numbers are grouped.
6 x (4 x 3) = 72 or (6 x 4) x 3 = 72
Number Properties, Guy at Chalkboard

Distributive Property

The sum of two numbers times a third number is equal to the sum of each addend times the third number.
5 x (7 + 2) = 45 or 5 x 7 + 5 x 2 = 45

Identity Property

a. Addition. The sum of any number and zero is that number.
12 + 0 = 12
b. Multiplication, The product of any number and one is that number.
18 x 1 = 18
Knowing these properties of numbers will improve your understanding and mastery of math.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lesson 2: Order of Operations

Order of operation is fundamental, it helps display the order of how extensive operations or equations should be preformed. If cannot grasp this concept it would be hard to move forward.

In Algebra there is a specific order in which operations are performed when evaluating an expression or solving equations.

This is the algebraic order of operation:
1. Do any work within parentheses () or other grouping symbols [] first.
2. Do any work with exponents (powers) or roots.
3. Do any multiplication or division in order from left to right.
4. Do any addition and subtraction in order from left to right.

This acronym for this order of operation is PEMDAS

A popular expression for remembering this is:

Sample A

Sample B